Proof-of-Concept website – ALL LISTS FREE thru Dec 2027 – use coupon code 123 and click “Apply”.
No subscription required – lists initially available by coupon code purchase thru your free account.
Our 4 key Buy Lists released in Mar/Jun/Sep/Dec become free Sample Lists in the subsequent 3 mos.
Comments or Questions, PLEASE EMAIL US AT:

OUTPERFORM the S&P 500 -- over any period of 6 years or longer.

YOU ONLY SELL IF YOU WANT TO WITHDRAW CASH - there is no other selling involved.

Website’s 3 lists available for purchase are UPDATED MONTHLY beginning in 2018.

Audited, independent substantiation of our performance.

If you have any problem with Adobe opening your download of one of our pdf lists, see the May 1, 2021 entry in our FAQ Blog.

 TELL YOUR FINANCIAL ADVISOR to allocate some funds to an account where:
     all future purchases must be on the current version of this site’s “Buy List”;
     all future stock sales must not be on the current version of this site’s “HOLD (don’t sell) List”.

OR: Use us as a “robo-analyst” site for Do-It-Yourself investors

IMPORTANT: Almost never, never, NEVER, "rebalance", without first carefully evaluating the "opportunity-lost-cost" related to SELLING a long-term-investment, which is revealed as "The UNEXPECTED INSIGHT" at this "About Us" link, or the one in our header, above  !

Our primary recommendation- BUY & HOLD: Quarterly invest Equal-Weight in 20 stocks with Growing Dividends.

More specifically – Every 3 mos., after our updates for the months of Feb/May/Aug/Nov invest equal amounts in each of the stocks in our “20 ticker/company PORTFOLIO”, which we’ve selected from our then-current Complete BUY LIST (of approx. 100+ stocks).  When any of these four updates is replaced by the next monthly update, it continues to be available for three months as a free Sample List.

Updated for the month ended 08/31/2024:

Screen Name Median
Std. Dev. High
% Price Appreciation from PREVIOUS 6 Years :            
S&P500 (per company absolute actual share price non-cap weighted) (PREVIOUS 6 Years lookback results) 51.4088.55 134.37 923.80 -74.90 479
HOLD (don't sell, but check ANNUALLY) List: Primary criteria (6 yr lookback results) 59.30 90.19 116.30 923.80 -84.30 382
Complete BUY List: Secondary criteria (for earnings growth and stability last 3 yrs.) (6 yr lookback results)
67.70 103.92 121.50 544.20 -84.30
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
------------ ---------
Current Indicated Dividend % YIELD on the Price 12/31/2017 (6+ years ago):            
S&P500 (per company absolute actual share price non-cap weighted) Current YIELD on the Price 12/31/2017 (6+ years ago) 2.82 2.70 1.95 10.59 0.00
HOLD (don't sell, but check ANNUALLY) List: Primary criteria Current YIELD on the Price 12/31/2017 (6+ years ago) 3.06 3.32 2.43 35.87 0.36
Complete BUY List: Secondary criteria (for earnings growth and stability last 3 yrs.) Current YIELD on the Price 12/31/2017 (6+ years ago) 2.823.53 4.15 35.87 0.78


(Remember: OUR OBJECTIVE is to "Buy‐and‐Hold" long‐term, a diversified portfolio of stocks, with average annual DIVIDEND GROWTH of 7+%, where 1 out of 5 stocks will be paying a dividend of 100+% of original cost after 30 years (see "About Us" link above for data details) ‐ and to always have significant cash reserves, for buying after major market corrections)


simply purchase CURRENT LIST-DOWNLOADS when you need them -- all currently FREE at Checkout with Coupon Code: 123

YOU ONLY SELL IF YOU WANT TO WITHDRAW CASH - there is no other selling involved.

This website is about HELPING YOU successfully invest in only U.S. Dividend Growth stocks.

We provide a “BUY List” for when you want to invest, a “HOLD (don’t sell) List” for you to do a "once-a-year check-in" on your portfolio, and “Simple Rules” with calculator: “Cash to Invest AND WHEN to Invest”.

     all future purchases must be on the current version of this site’s “Buy List”;
     all future stock sales must not be on the current version of this site’s “HOLD (don’t sell) List”.

OR: Use us as a “robo-analyst” site for Do-It-Yourself investors – This process is usually easier to accomplish at a fractional-share brokerage.  We suggest the following:, or; and for accounts larger than $20,000 consider  IMPORTANT: Know the maintenance costs for low activity accounts at the brokerage you use.  Our BUY List recommendation involves investing equal dollar amounts in a diversified portfolio (of at least of 20 companies),  which has stocks we've recommended, or those of OF YOUR CHOOSING from our Complete BUY List (of approx. 100+ stocks).  Our BUY List is grouped by the ten major sectors of the economy and ranked (in Col. B within each group) by our proprietary short-term performance "ST Perf Indicator" (see Home>ST Perf Indicator).  Our BUY List also includes a "ticker" order index.

FOR CONFIRMATION OF HOW OUR RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE PERFORMED see: Home>Independent substantiation of our performance.

The only sure way to successfully invest in stocks as an asset class is to “buy-and-hold” a diversified portfolio of at least 20 companies into which you originally invested approximately equal dollar amounts, because after every significant downward adjustment in the history of the stock market, within approximately ten to fifteen years, every stock market index has achieved a historical new high.  The most exceptionally favorable “buy-and-hold” investment results are highly correlated with stocks of companies that pay dividends which are regularly increased, and companies that have a history from time to time of “stock splits”.


"Column J" shows you the most important stock “metric” on our “BUY” and our “HOLD (don’t sell)” Lists:

How much each stock’s dividend has increased over the past four years; presented as a ratio calculated by dividing the stock’s “Current Indicated Dividend” by the “Dividend five years ago”.  For example a ratio of 1.4 indicates a 40% increase over the last five years.  All stocks on our lists must have at a minimum a 1.34 ratio, or at least an annualized 7% growth rate for the past 3 years (if they haven’t been paying a dividend for the full five years).

A ratio of 1.9, or greater, indicates 14+% average annual dividend growth, which results in a dividend of 100% of cost basis, if sustained* for 30 years.

How much did the dividends for each of your portfolio's stocks increase for the past five years?!


Investment Calculator

P: %

In the calculator input, “P”, the first input, is always a “percentage”.

However, the other two inputs that follow, “T” and “C”, should either both be “dollars”, or both can be percentages.

If “T” and “C” are “dollars”, the calculator “result” is the actual amount of Cash available to be invested currently.  If, for confidentiality purposes, “percentages” are input for “T” (which as a percent input should be 100) and “C”, then the calculated result is a percentage.  If you use percentages for all the variables then the calculated result percent must be multiplied times the total dollar value of your portfolio (including Cash) to identify the dollar amount of Cash available to be invested currently.


ALWAYS use this calculator to calculate how much you will be investing AND ONLY INVEST WHEN THIS NUMBER IS POSITIVE:

  “Cash to Invest AND WHEN to Invest, if a positive number= C – (T x P)

Given:   P = % of Cash in your portfolio which allows you to sleep well during market “downtrends”.  (For this site’s author, this means always being approximately 50% invested in “cash”, and viewing every significant downward adjustment in stocks as a “buying opportunity”!)

                T = current Total Value of all your portfolios (including the cash).

                C = Cash currently in all your portfolios.


How much did the dividends for each of your portfolio's stocks increase for the past five years?!


"Simple Rules" about investing:

IMPORTANT: Almost never, never, NEVER, "rebalance", without first carefully evaluating the "opportunity-lost-cost" related to SELLING a long-term-investment, which is revealed as "The UNEXPECTED INSIGHT" at the "About Us" link in our header, above  !

Only rebalance if the value of your holdings in a company exceeds 30% of the total value of your portfolio, THEN "REBALANCE" ONCE EVERY 12 MONTHS BY SELLING "one-fifth" OF THAT POSITION UNTIL IT IS LESS THAN 15% OF YOUR TOTAL PORTFOLIO.  THEN STOP ALL "REBALANCING" UNTIL A POSITION AGAIN EXCEEDS 30% OF THE TOTAL PORTFOLIO!!  (For additional WHEN TO SELL info -- see August 2017 entries at "FAQ Blog" link above.)

NEVER be fully invested in equities (stocks and bonds).

ALWAYS reserve a significant % of any NEW CASH ADDED TO YOUR PORTFOLIO for investment at a later time when stocks are lower.

NEVER “sell” stocks when the market is in a “downtrend”.

ALWAYS “buy” stocks when the market is in a “downtrend”, as long as your personal information when input to our calculator “Cash to Invest AND WHEN to Invest, is a positive number”.

ALWAYS “buy” equal dollar amounts in a diversified portfolio, which has stocks of at least two companies from each of the ten major sectors of the economy (a “buy” list with a minimum of 20 companies).




~~TO USE THE ADVICE ON THIS SITE YOU NEED TO HAVE A “SELF-DIRECTED” BROKERAGE ACCOUNT.  If you plan on transferring IRA or 401k or 403b funds to a “self-directed” IRA account, be sure to do so with a “trustee-to-trustee” asset transfer (get specific instructions from the brokerage where you have opened your “rollover” “self-directed” IRA, and from the old account administrator about how to accomplish a  “trustee-to-trustee” asset transfer ).